Friday, October 21, 2005

Week 4 Links

HIV/AIDS Glossary (From AIDSinfo):
Just thought it'd be useful to have a link to some definitions relating to the disease. We could do a "cut and paste" job of its definitions of AIDS/HIV and ART drugs for our wiki.

The 3 by 5 Initiative (From WHO):
The WHO's approach to combating the AIDS epidemic... provide ART drugs to developing nations that can't otherwise afford them.

amfAR Fellows Make Important Leaps in Vaccine Research
Right up my alley with molecular biology stuff specifically in AIDS vaccine research. A bit techy but helpful in understanding current thoughts on the way the virus works. Not something to get overly excited about. It seems as though there are important leaps in AIDS research all the time.

AIDS Fund aims to prevent, educate:
An interview with some people who put together a walk-a-thon in Philadelphia in support of AIDS prevention. Seems to underscore education and interestingly enough... self-esteem issues.

High HIV/AIDS Rate Worries Unicef:
Focused on the nation of Zambia. Again underscores the importance of education. The wrinkle is that illiteracy is high in Zambia, making it difficult to educate the Zambian people about the disease.

US Funding for Herbal Aids Alternative Meds:
More AIDS medical research but with a twist. The US government is spending $1 million toward researching and evaluating African herbal medicines for effectiveness in combating AIDS.

Pacific Islands Face 'Urgent Challenge' to Address HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS Official Says Ahead of Conference:
In response to an impeding epidemic in the Pacific island nations, UNAIDS is launching a campaign heavily involving local churches. To educate the people, highlighted is a forum of people in the region infected with HIV/AIDS where they will speak.

Clergy Put On AIDS Alert:
A report of a conference held in Kigali urging religious leaders to be at the forefront, leading the people in the fight against AIDS. "Married couples were advised to be faithful to their spouses and to be aware that their bodies are temples of God."

Young Botswana blood donors spread hope, not AIDS:
"10% of AIDS infections worldwide are caused by contaminated blood transfusions." A different approach to the fight against AIDS: Clean up the blood supply. A program called "Pledge 25" targets young people who are not yet sexually active to give blood 25 times in their lifetime, supplying local hospitals with uninfected blood.

India's HIV/AIDS Pandemic Threatens Economic and Social Fabric:
Focuses on the lack of infrastucture in India to care for children orphaned by HIV/AIDS. Instead of taking the direct approach and providing more orphanages, Countess du Boisrouvray calls for economic support for communities of 80 families to start small businesses to provide economic stability. Innovative.


At 11:13 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hideyo - you need to have a synthesis after all of your rresources.
Check for an example of how resources are posted and then a syntehesis of the resources. Thanks.


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